Podcast: ‘Dugout Blues’ episode 122 – Kershaw good, Puig back, draft

On this episode of “Dugout Blues,” Jared Massey (Dodgers Nation) and I talk about Clayton Kershaw, who actually isn’t done as a pitcher. We also talk about other goings-on in the Dodger world.

Yasiel Puig is back. Hooray! He was right in the middle of the Dodgers’ lone win against the Cardinals’ over the weekend. It’s so good to have him in the lineup again.

Scott Schebler made his MLB debut. Although it was brief, he did collect his first hit.

Kenley Jansen had a rough time in Colorado with his health, but everything seems to be OK now.

Hector Olivera made his U.S. professional debut. So far, the results haven’t been great. Then again, he has only played in three games. Give him some time.

The MLB Draft is today(!), and we talk plenty about it. Also, we’ll be hosting a Google Hangout for our audio coverage of the draft at 5 p.m. Jared and I will tweet out the link to the hangout. I’ll also post it in the next thread and in the comments section.

Finally, we have Q&A, which focuses primarily on the draft, prospects and trades — you know, the usual.

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Look for new episodes of “Dugout Blues” every Monday. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and review us on iTunes. We want to make this the best podcast we can so we’re always looking for suggestions and ways to improve.

If you have questions you’d like us to answer or certain topics/players you want to hear more about, feel free to email us (dugoutbluespodcast@gmail.com) or send us messages on Twitter (@JaredJMassey or @DustinNosler). You can also “Like” the podcast on Facebook. We always welcome audience participation.

About Dustin Nosler

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Dustin Nosler began writing about the Dodgers in July 2009 on his blog, Feelin' Kinda Blue, and co-hosted a weekly podcast with Jared Massey called Dugout Blues. He was a contributor/editor at The Hardball Times and True Blue LA. He graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a minor in digital media. While at CSUS, he worked for the student-run newspaper The State Hornet for three years, culminating with a one-year term as editor-in-chief. He resides in Stockton, California.